Friday, January 16, 2009

Last leg of the trip LA-Flag

January 15 Last Leg

Flying from korea to tokyo was quick and I saw the most beautiful thing- I think this picture says it all (Mount Fuji in Japan) Well the trip was almost over when I finally reached LA at 7:25 am. I headed to customs to be legally allowed to enter the states when I successfully got in the slowest line EVER. It seriously took 45 minutes when it should have taken maybe 20. Again, when you ask for patience, God gives you situations like that. To add the annoyance, I almost got my phone taken away by the security haha. I totally forgot that when you get off the plane from traveling internationally, you aren't supposed to use your phone. Well someone from DBU had called me and suddenly the security guy yelled at me telling me to get off the phone- I was totally shocked that I didnt know how to explain myself to the person on the phone and when the security guy started walking toward me I just hung up. Oops. Well after waiting in line for forever, I got through customs and headed outside. I kept forgetting where I was (maybe the lack of sleep was starting to effect my though process). I was super excited to have a 7 hour layover because I finally had the opportunity to spend time with a former eagle- Ana aka OC!!! She's from the OC and because of the horrible snow storms she was unable to come out and visit me- but now I got to visit her! She came and picked me up and thats when the adventure began!
I had told her I had a few hours to kill and just to keep me busy- well she took those words and did exactly that! We first hit up a mexican restaurant to get a breakfast burrito (that weighed like a pound!), then we drove to her school and checked out her dorm room, then we drove to downtown disneyland to get a caramel apple and play around in the disney store. We tried on all the funny hats and I bought a few souvenirs.

We then left downtown disney and headed to find a coffee bean. We grabbed some coffee (to help keep me awake because I hadn't gotten a bit of sleep for 24 hours!) and headed towards the beaches. I saw Long Beach and Huntington Beach- they were beautiful and I got a full tour of southern cali within 4 hrs. We wanted to get a picture at a beach and stick our toes in the water before I had to be back to the airport, so Ana parked the car on the side of the road, we ran to the beach, snapped a few pictures and I picked up a few sea shells and hopped back into the car. We were able to get all of these fun random things done and it was a blast. I was just expecting to grab a bite to eat with Ana and that would be it, but she totally blessed me and took me everywhere! It was so nice to finally reunite with an eagle!We got back to the airport just in time for me to check in and have a few minutes before I got on the plane. Once I got to my gate, jet lag hit hard. I was struggling to keep my eyes open, but I knew I could hold on until I got on the plane. Once I sat in my seat I passed out and woke up when we were flying over Sedona. The trip from LA to Flag was quick and a total relief when we landed. We got there earlier than expected, so I didnt have a warm welcome from the parents (which was ok). They arrived a few minutes after I grabbed my luggage. I then shared everything about the trip- I showed some pictures, gave them their little goodies- it was great! We went out to dinner and had an awesome time talking about life- Im not even sure Indonesia came up, but it was really neat to open up and talk about things that arent a typical dinner meal topic. God's presence was at the table that night and it was awesome (even a little emotional, so weird!)

So ya the first night back was good, very overwhelming. I had no idea what to expect when it came to jet lag, so I was in for a treat :) I eventually called it a night by midnight. I am still hoping for some time to reflect and be alone, but I am not sure that is gonna happen unfortunately :( Thank you Lord, for you are good and your love endures forever. I am so thankful that you never fail me and that you never leave my side. This verse gave me some comfort when I was on the plane thinking about life and it was kinda interesting that it was the verse on the wall at Molly's school :) lamentations 3:21-24

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 13...flying back home

January 15 Flying Home

Well I am sitting in the Korean airport kind of in a daze- one, I didnt sleep very well from Jakarta to Seoul...two, the fact that I just spent the last 2 weeks in Indonesia. Huh, what an amazing experience- its almost like it never happened! People kept asking me what was my favorite part, but every day was awesome! I had the best cultural experience- I really dont think I missed out on anything (well maybe eating durian but who wants to do that?!) I got to do everything including eating on the ground with my hands, hiking to gorgeous waterfalls, visiting some islands and live right where the people did, eat some crazy fruit, see my life flash before my eyes in ridiculously crazy Bandung traffic, ride on the back of a bike with 3 different guys (ok 2 of them I paid and one was a friend of Molly's), learn a few words in Indonesian, speak to students about how amazing our God is, get a cream bath, getting stared at wherever I went...the list could go on. It was amazing! I am still gonna have to do some more reflecting on what God was teaching me and what I am going to take away from this trip...but that will take time. Well my last day at school was yesterday and it went really well- I had the chance to speak at the middle school chapel- I was just doing the same thing as I had been doing the rest of the week- share my testimony. This one went a little different than I expected. I did well speaking to the other classes, confident and not emotional, but this time I cried. I dont know why I get emotional about sharing my story sometimes and other times it doesnt even faze me? I think it hits me how fortunate I am to be where I am at and the Lord just needs to humble me...and I think shedding a few tears got the kids attention and made it more personal. After chapel was over, Molly and I ate hot pink chicken for the last time together. I was then roped into playing soccer with Molly's kids at recess. Part of me was not wanting to get sweaty and muddy, but once I got out there and started playing, I had a blast. After recess was over, I got to read Molly's class (man did I feel like a teacher then!)
Good-byes are never easy, and with the Evans' Family they are guaranteed to produce tears. I really was sad having to leave Molly. We finally had the opportunity to bond and have some one-on-one time! I really thank God for allowing us to have such a good time together and I am looking forward to seeing her during the summer. I am so proud of her and all she is doing in Indonesia- the Lord is totally at work!
My flight didnt leave unil 9:55pm, and I got to the airport at 5. The check-out counters dont open until 2 hrs before you board, so I had some time to kill. I was told to find the massage places and pamper myself- and oh did I search for those:) I found this little booth that said "foot reflexology" and so I took the chance and agreed to an hour. Well some of the massage was very relaxing and it felt good, but a lot of it hurt! All the pounding and kneading... I had some good laughs, but I am not too sure I will do it again :-D After my massage, I had about another hour so I went to find a bite to eat. I sat on a stool next to this really friendly Indonesian guy who spoke English. We started talking and realized that we were on the same flight to Korea. I was relieved to know there would be a familiar face on the plane and he could speak the language! After checking our bags, we got separated. I knew I would see him eventually, so I ended up going to the gate to watch Indonesian soap operas. About 30 minutes before we boarded my friend showed up. We started talking and he mentioned that he was Muslim. I then jumped on that opportunity and drilled him with questions. I had asked him what he thought about Christians, what his prayer rituals meant, if he believed in grace...He then asked me what I believed was such a cool conversation and God totally put words in my mouth. Our conversation soon ended unfortunately when we started to board. I didnt see him again, but the gospel was shared and I made a new friend. God is so cool, and I am so thankful He gave me an awareness and boldness to talk to him!
Boarding the plane I was slightly nervous because it was pouring, lightening and thundering outside. The weather didnt stop us from taking off, and soon we were in the air. I dozed off, but didnt have a very restful flight- good thing I have 13 more hours to try to sleep :) I have been bumming around the Korean airport and I even ran into my old friend Pearl that I had met a couple weeks ago. It was really fun to reunite and she even gave me a Korean gift :)
God is good, I pray for more opportunities to be bold, and I am ready to be home.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 12

Last Days in Indonesia :'( January 13

Wow, I cant believe that the 2 weeks has already come and gone so quickly! I have had so many memories that I hope to never forget... but its not over just yet, one more half day at school then its fly away in a plane back to america-33 hrs :)Today went well. I hitched a ride with a man on a motor bike to get the school- I had to do it before I only cost me $.40! He was generous and drove slower than usual :)
Today, I had taken on another job and I got to do the lower elementary kids chapel, and thanks to this summer and teaching kids the bible, I was somewhat prepared. I was going to talk on the reasons why God deserves the glory. I gave them 5 reasons and put a story from the bible with each one.
He deserves the glory because:
1. He created us
2. He can do awesome things
3. He changes us
4. He saves us from our sin
5. He can use us!
I was expecting for the stories to take up more time, but no I was done within maybe 30 minutes and chapel lasted 50 minutes! We sang some songs like "Who's the king of the Jungle" and "My God is so big"...but unfortunately with the attention span of a 3-5 year old, they were done. We did sing "Father Abraham" and that was hilarious and the kids thought so too. So ya that chapel might have felt like a bust, but God is always at work and I need to remember its not my job to impact the lives of everyone let alone anyone, thats up to God.
I then had the afternoon off until 2:30 when I was scheduled to talk about DBU to the high schoolers. It rained cats and dogs all afternoon, so instead of going on a run, I packed then watched a chick flick. Though I love chick flicks and love living vicariously through the characters' unrealistic love lives, I have realized that is not a good thing for my heart. I get these pictures in my mind that love is so easy and so predictable, but that's not the case. I had made it a new years resolution to guard my heart, and I am afraid watching chick flicks like "The Family Stone" probably doesnt help much. I am really going to work on keeping God my number one and not letting someone let alone anything distract me from my number one priority: growing in my relationship with Christ!
This is going to be an interesting semester to look forward- a lot of changes and a lot of challenges expected, so staying focused is key!
Ok, so back to today- I went and spoke to the high schoolers about DBU. That was so much fun- man if DBU wanted someone to go to international schools and talk about DBU I would be the first to raise my hand! I loved it and it went so well!
The rain fortunately stopped, so it allowed me to go for a run. I was a little bit more brave and ran outside of Molly's neighborhood today. Man the stares you get here if you are white, its funny, but kinda gets old after a while...maybe it was because I was singing along with my music-so what ;)
The same student that brought the sushi yesterday wanted to bless us again with amazing Korean food! What a blessing that was because the gas wasnt working for the stove, so we werent sure what we were going to eat for dinner- man God is so good and is always faithful to provide!
The rest of the evening was filled with packing and talking. Not much of an eventful night, but I think I have had plenty to make up for it. It is kinda weird knowing I leave tomorrow. Molly wont be coming with me to the airport in Jakarta, so maybe that will help make the goodbye easier. I have been thinking about the questions "what am I going to take away from this trip? What has God taught me through this experience? and Am I changed?" These questions will be reflected upon while I am on the plane for 33hrs.
Tomorrow I will be speaking in the middle school chapel, and then I hop on a shuttle to head to the airport! The Lord is so good and if I could say one thing it would be I am so super blessed to have had the opportunity to come here and experience everything I did and I give all the credit to the Lord because He totally orchestrated this whole entire trip!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 11

January 12 Ms. Evans the Art Teacher?
So I think I am off on the day counting, but you get the gist :) Today was amazing! I was ready to speak in all the classes (of course after God had to do some major humbling!) I had a nice 30 minute walk to school because all the teachers in the house got to school by like 6am! It was a nice walk and I arrived at school when all the other kids were, so I felt like I was back in elementary school again. I sat through some of the bible teaching in Molly's class, then I headed to Mr. Durham' s bible class. I had 9-12 graders to speak to for the next 4 periods. At first I was nervous trying to remember what each grade was learning and how I was going to relate it to them, but then it dawned on me, "you know what Emily, everything revolves around the fact that God is at work wherever, and whoever God wants to touch today, He is going dont worry, just share what has gone on in the past 3 years or so in you life."

Well that is exactly what I did, and it was so cool! I had about 45 minutes to talk and took up 30 sharing my story, so it left 15 minutes or so for questions. It was really neat to see the kids interact and show me that they were actually paying attention. God is so good!

After the class talks it was lunch time, so Molly had ordered us some spicy food that came wrapped in a leaf. It had started raining so I was going to catch a ride with one of the administration people but had to wait for 45 until they came back. In the meantime, I headed over to the 1st grade class to read a book "The Rotten Redheaded Older Brother" (haha how cute!) So that was a blast reading to these little kids.

After leaving that class I ran into Charity, the school principal, who looked very frazzled. She then had a light bulb come on over her head as she explained her dilemma "we need an art teacher sub-would you do it for me? 7th and 8th period?"
I never would have guessed the possibility of me teaching would EVER come up, but it did and it was a blast! I had an 8th grade class and a 6th grade class! The lesson was pretty much draw a hard could that be?
So yup, I not only was a guest speaker today, I was also Ms. Evans the art sub haha....
It was really neat to see the 6th graders draw a picture of an attribute of God. Im not sure at that age I would have been able to think about that, but these kids impressed me!
So that was my first day back at school, and it was a total blast and God took total control! When I got home, one of Molly's Korean students brought by some homemade sushi-im pretty sure that made my whole day! YUM

Tomorrow I get to be the guest speaker with the little elementary kids, lead worship with them, and then share to the high schoolers about DBU. I am really looking forward to both things, kinda extremes, but man these kids definitely have faith like a child and I should learn from them :) Pray the Lord gives me some ideas to keep the little guys entertained for 50 minutes!

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 10

January 11 Old Rugged Cross

Man, what a day. Molly and I got to sing "The Old Rugged Cross" at church which was a sweet last minute deal. The message was great talking about our identity in Christ and the difference between living a life pleasing God and trusting God. It was a great reminder that life isnt all about pleasing God and doing things for Him, its all about trusting. The pastor reminded us of the old hymn trust and obey-and it is such a simple concept!
"Trust and obey for there's no other way, to be happy in Jesus, but to trust and obey"
After Church we grabbed a quick bite to eat-soup (in a bag) to go and rice (in paper), and had a meeting with a group of students planning on visiting the islands in the spring. They were learning how to ask people questions to get to know them, so I was the guinea pig they practiced on! It then poured the rest of the afternoon. I let Molly have the afternoon off otherwise she would kill me, so I went home to work on my talks. That didnt go very well seeing as I broke down last night trying to prepare 4 "mini sermons" with my own words and strength. What was I thinking- that I could prepare these things on my own? Man, do I struggle with pride and God is constantly having to humble would think I would learn after the 50th time, but no :) It was actually exactly what I needed for me to remember why I was here in Indonesia and what a cool opportunity it was for me to speak to these kids about what the Lord has done in my life. After talking with Molly, shedding some tears and laying it at His feet, I was able to sleep. It's interesting to see the Lord totally humble me when I am preparing for a talk about being humbled...hmmm God is so good :) Tomorrow will be a day full of talks and I am looking forward to it.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 10

January 10 Thrilling Day of Adventures!
Well I started off my Saturday thinking it was going to be a pretty uneventful day, but man was I completely wrong! The day started off slow with a rainy morning, watching Gilmore Girls, going for a run and thinking about preparing for speeches. Around 2pm Molly and I decided to head out to Bandung to get some more shopping out of the way (school supplies and other gifts for back home)before the birthday dinner. Now, Molly had never driven to Bandung by herself let alone with a passenger on the motor bike- the other day was the furthest she had driven!Again, we broke another record and headed to Bandung on the motor bike-yikes. I think I have talked to God more on a motor bike than on any other type of transportation! Molly did a great job, it was the other crazy drivers around us that I was worried about! After about 45 minutes of driving, we finally arrived to the mall where we were gonna get some shopping done. This parking lot was ridiculous (as you can see from the picture!) Bikes were literally packed in there like sardines! Our shopping trip was successful (especially when I bartered for a bracelet with an indonesia with the only number I knew and got the cheaper price!), but the challenge was getting it back home with all our stuff- I stuffed all of my goodies in my purse, and with one hand held on for dear life and the other I held a bag of school supplies for Molly. After our shopping adventure, we headed up the hill to go eat at a Mediterranean restaurant for one of the Emily's birthdays. The food was good and it was fun meeting more of the teachers Molly teaches with. After dinner we headed up the hill more to find a restaurant that had a beautiful view of the city. We ate dessert there (which was delicious) and drank these ginger tea drinks (not my cup of tea, a lil too spicy for me). Now, after dessert was when the real adventure began. I (as well as molly) was a little nervous driving back with molly in the dark. Aaron, one of the guy teachers, offered to drive me back. O man was that beyond thrilling! All the girls gave me one bit of advice: "Just hold on, he goes fast"...well they weren't lying haha... I really think I saw my life flash before my eyes once (ok maybe there's a bit of exaggeration there) but I did see headlights a couple of times as if we were playing chicken. I kept thinking to myself "is this really happening? Am I really driving on the back of a motor bike in Indonesia with this guy I just met today?" and the answer? HAHA YES IM NOT DREAMING AND ITS AMAZING! It was definitely thrilling (a bit scary) but I'll cross that off on my list of things to do before I die: ride on the back of a speeding motor bike in Indonesia. We got back to the house safe and sound as well as the others, so that was relievingThe rest of the night was Gilmore what a day!