Thursday, September 11, 2008

Adventures of Summer '08 Part 1- Goiana, Brazil

This summer I had the privilege to be a part of the Chicago Eagles 2008 Soccer Academy. The Chicago Eagles is a sports ministry organization that gives both men and women college athletes the opportunity to not only play for a team in the summer, but also a chance to use their God-given talents to glorify the Lord and bless the lives of others. The academy is 2 months of kids soccer camps, a two week mission trip, sports ministry training and league matches.
This summer both teams got to go on a mission trip to Brazil for two weeks. The men's team went to Teresopolis for the first week and the women got to go to Goiania. While in Goiania the women got to love on the kids at Projecto Crecer- a place for kids to have the opportunity to learn, play soccer and most importantly hear the Gospel.

We also got to help out a women named Ana from the local church and build her a wall for her home. This woman had 8 children, no money , but faith and joy that was amazing despite her circumstances. It was so humbling building this wall, and it blessed our group as much as it blessed her!

Another awesome thing we got to do was attend an Athetas De Critso meeting. This is similar to FCA (fellowship of Christian Athletes) but for professional athletes. It was so neat to not only meet professional soccer players, but ones that were totally on fire for Christ. These type of men will definitely impact Brazil because people in South America really look up to athletes and if the athletes are Christian-man! Singing "Shout to the Lord" in both Portuguese and English was also amazing!

More of "adventures of summer '08" to be continued