Jan 10- Day 9
Singing in the Rain, Just Singing in the Rain, What a Glorious Feeling Im Happy Again...
Well I woke up this morning debating on whether I wanted to go for a run or not. (Although the answer was an obvious "yes you need to") but the Lord answered my dilemma...its raining today, so i guess there is no run for me :)
Well yesterday was pretty eventful-less (is that a word?) All day I was in a hotel working on some stuff (or at least tried to get things done), and Molly was at school finishing up report cards etc. We got back to her house to practice Old Rugged Cross that we are singing at church on sunday! (that went well and it will be in honor of Tita :) ) We then ate some lasagna and watched Gilmore Girls (surprised?) O the one cool thing that happened as the fact that they had a praying mantis in their house! It was such a weird looking creature (maybe it was God's little reminder to pray more?)
Um, I met the rest of Molly's roommates! Now there are 3 Emily's in this house, kinda confusing I must say :) But its fun to be in a full house! Today is one of the Emily's birthday so we are going to celebrate later this afternoon. Nothing huge planned for today just get a few more things done on the to-do list. Preparing for all of my talks has been a little overwhelming to tell you the truth- I have about 30 minutes to talk and when I get nervous I tend to talk really fast. So why am I nervous about sharing my testimony-my own story? I dont know, maybe its the enemy trying to discourage me from revealing the amazing ways God works through trials to these students. So if you get the chance say a lil prayer- that God would speak through me, that I wouldnt get nervous (or emotional) and that the words would just come to me while I prepare :)
Drinking Cat Poop Coffee (like on the bucket list) for breakfast and eating cereal! what a great start to a great day!Praying for another blessed day in Indonesia!