January 10 Thrilling Day of Adventures!
Well I started off my Saturday thinking it was going to be a pretty uneventful day, but man was I completely wrong! The day started off slow with a rainy morning, watching Gilmore Girls, going for a run and thinking about preparing for speeches. Around 2pm Molly and I decided to head out to Bandung to get some more shopping out of the way (school supplies and other gifts for back home)before the birthday dinner. Now, Molly had never driven to Bandung by herself let alone with a passenger on the motor bike- the other day was the furthest she had driven!Again, we broke another record and headed to Bandung on the motor bike-yikes. I think I have talked to God more on a motor bike than on any other type of transportation! Molly did a great job, it was the other crazy drivers around us that I was worried about! After about 45 minutes of driving, we finally arrived to the mall where we were gonna get some shopping done. This parking lot was ridiculous (as you can see from the picture!) Bikes were literally packed in there like sardines! Our shopping trip was successful (especially when I bartered for a bracelet with an indonesia with the only number I knew and got the cheaper price!), but the challenge was getting it back home with all our stuff- I stuffed all of my goodies in my purse, and with one hand held on for dear life and the other I held a bag of school supplies for Molly. After our shopping adventure, we headed up the hill to go eat at a Mediterranean restaurant for one of the Emily's birthdays. The food was good and it was fun meeting more of the teachers Molly teaches with. After dinner we headed up the hill more to find a restaurant that had a beautiful view of the city. We ate dessert there (which was delicious) and drank these ginger tea drinks (not my cup of tea, a lil too spicy for me). Now, after dessert was when the real adventure began. I (as well as molly) was a little nervous driving back with molly in the dark. Aaron, one of the guy teachers, offered to drive me back. O man was that beyond thrilling! All the girls gave me one bit of advice: "Just hold on, he goes fast"...well they weren't lying haha... I really think I saw my life flash before my eyes once (ok maybe there's a bit of exaggeration there) but I did see headlights a couple of times as if we were playing chicken. I kept thinking to myself "is this really happening? Am I really driving on the back of a motor bike in Indonesia with this guy I just met today?" and the answer? HAHA YES IM NOT DREAMING AND ITS AMAZING! It was definitely thrilling (a bit scary) but I'll cross that off on my list of things to do before I die: ride on the back of a speeding motor bike in Indonesia. We got back to the house safe and sound as well as the others, so that was relievingThe rest of the night was Gilmore Girls..man what a day!
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