Monday, January 12, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 11

January 12 Ms. Evans the Art Teacher?
So I think I am off on the day counting, but you get the gist :) Today was amazing! I was ready to speak in all the classes (of course after God had to do some major humbling!) I had a nice 30 minute walk to school because all the teachers in the house got to school by like 6am! It was a nice walk and I arrived at school when all the other kids were, so I felt like I was back in elementary school again. I sat through some of the bible teaching in Molly's class, then I headed to Mr. Durham' s bible class. I had 9-12 graders to speak to for the next 4 periods. At first I was nervous trying to remember what each grade was learning and how I was going to relate it to them, but then it dawned on me, "you know what Emily, everything revolves around the fact that God is at work wherever, and whoever God wants to touch today, He is going dont worry, just share what has gone on in the past 3 years or so in you life."

Well that is exactly what I did, and it was so cool! I had about 45 minutes to talk and took up 30 sharing my story, so it left 15 minutes or so for questions. It was really neat to see the kids interact and show me that they were actually paying attention. God is so good!

After the class talks it was lunch time, so Molly had ordered us some spicy food that came wrapped in a leaf. It had started raining so I was going to catch a ride with one of the administration people but had to wait for 45 until they came back. In the meantime, I headed over to the 1st grade class to read a book "The Rotten Redheaded Older Brother" (haha how cute!) So that was a blast reading to these little kids.

After leaving that class I ran into Charity, the school principal, who looked very frazzled. She then had a light bulb come on over her head as she explained her dilemma "we need an art teacher sub-would you do it for me? 7th and 8th period?"
I never would have guessed the possibility of me teaching would EVER come up, but it did and it was a blast! I had an 8th grade class and a 6th grade class! The lesson was pretty much draw a hard could that be?
So yup, I not only was a guest speaker today, I was also Ms. Evans the art sub haha....
It was really neat to see the 6th graders draw a picture of an attribute of God. Im not sure at that age I would have been able to think about that, but these kids impressed me!
So that was my first day back at school, and it was a total blast and God took total control! When I got home, one of Molly's Korean students brought by some homemade sushi-im pretty sure that made my whole day! YUM

Tomorrow I get to be the guest speaker with the little elementary kids, lead worship with them, and then share to the high schoolers about DBU. I am really looking forward to both things, kinda extremes, but man these kids definitely have faith like a child and I should learn from them :) Pray the Lord gives me some ideas to keep the little guys entertained for 50 minutes!