Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Evans' Sisters Adventures Day 13...flying back home

January 15 Flying Home

Well I am sitting in the Korean airport kind of in a daze- one, I didnt sleep very well from Jakarta to Seoul...two, the fact that I just spent the last 2 weeks in Indonesia. Huh, what an amazing experience- its almost like it never happened! People kept asking me what was my favorite part, but every day was awesome! I had the best cultural experience- I really dont think I missed out on anything (well maybe eating durian but who wants to do that?!) I got to do everything including eating on the ground with my hands, hiking to gorgeous waterfalls, visiting some islands and live right where the people did, eat some crazy fruit, see my life flash before my eyes in ridiculously crazy Bandung traffic, ride on the back of a bike with 3 different guys (ok 2 of them I paid and one was a friend of Molly's), learn a few words in Indonesian, speak to students about how amazing our God is, get a cream bath, getting stared at wherever I went...the list could go on. It was amazing! I am still gonna have to do some more reflecting on what God was teaching me and what I am going to take away from this trip...but that will take time. Well my last day at school was yesterday and it went really well- I had the chance to speak at the middle school chapel- I was just doing the same thing as I had been doing the rest of the week- share my testimony. This one went a little different than I expected. I did well speaking to the other classes, confident and not emotional, but this time I cried. I dont know why I get emotional about sharing my story sometimes and other times it doesnt even faze me? I think it hits me how fortunate I am to be where I am at and the Lord just needs to humble me...and I think shedding a few tears got the kids attention and made it more personal. After chapel was over, Molly and I ate hot pink chicken for the last time together. I was then roped into playing soccer with Molly's kids at recess. Part of me was not wanting to get sweaty and muddy, but once I got out there and started playing, I had a blast. After recess was over, I got to read Molly's class (man did I feel like a teacher then!)
Good-byes are never easy, and with the Evans' Family they are guaranteed to produce tears. I really was sad having to leave Molly. We finally had the opportunity to bond and have some one-on-one time! I really thank God for allowing us to have such a good time together and I am looking forward to seeing her during the summer. I am so proud of her and all she is doing in Indonesia- the Lord is totally at work!
My flight didnt leave unil 9:55pm, and I got to the airport at 5. The check-out counters dont open until 2 hrs before you board, so I had some time to kill. I was told to find the massage places and pamper myself- and oh did I search for those:) I found this little booth that said "foot reflexology" and so I took the chance and agreed to an hour. Well some of the massage was very relaxing and it felt good, but a lot of it hurt! All the pounding and kneading... I had some good laughs, but I am not too sure I will do it again :-D After my massage, I had about another hour so I went to find a bite to eat. I sat on a stool next to this really friendly Indonesian guy who spoke English. We started talking and realized that we were on the same flight to Korea. I was relieved to know there would be a familiar face on the plane and he could speak the language! After checking our bags, we got separated. I knew I would see him eventually, so I ended up going to the gate to watch Indonesian soap operas. About 30 minutes before we boarded my friend showed up. We started talking and he mentioned that he was Muslim. I then jumped on that opportunity and drilled him with questions. I had asked him what he thought about Christians, what his prayer rituals meant, if he believed in grace...He then asked me what I believed was such a cool conversation and God totally put words in my mouth. Our conversation soon ended unfortunately when we started to board. I didnt see him again, but the gospel was shared and I made a new friend. God is so cool, and I am so thankful He gave me an awareness and boldness to talk to him!
Boarding the plane I was slightly nervous because it was pouring, lightening and thundering outside. The weather didnt stop us from taking off, and soon we were in the air. I dozed off, but didnt have a very restful flight- good thing I have 13 more hours to try to sleep :) I have been bumming around the Korean airport and I even ran into my old friend Pearl that I had met a couple weeks ago. It was really fun to reunite and she even gave me a Korean gift :)
God is good, I pray for more opportunities to be bold, and I am ready to be home.

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